Time Interval Counter
Time Interval Counter Block Diagram
20 nsec resolution. 20 nsec minimum pulse width.
Long counter gives well over a 1 minute maximum pulse width.
Large input multiplexer selects from Receivers on the GPIO connector, or the Pulse Generator output using an internal path.
Receivers use the 16 GPIO channels.
GUI (Graphical User Interface)
The Time Interval Counter measures the time between any two edges using the GPIO Receivers. These may be on the same Receiver (e.g. pulse width) or different Receivers (e.g. delay propagation time).
Example shows positive pulse width measurement on GPIO2. The Pulse Generator was programmed to 1 pulse, 1usec Pulse Width, with the output on GPIO1. Then GPIO1 and GPIO 2 were connected externally.
Propagation delay times will use different start and stop channels.
API (Application Programming Interface)
void Set_TIC(int startChannel, int stopChannel, bool risingEdgeStart, bool risingEdgeStop);
float Read_TIC(int initial_delay);
set_tic(start_channel, stop_channel, rising_edge_start, rising_edge_stop)